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Welcome to EsoKini, a concern of Skyotel Global. They started their business in 2015 under B2B Solutions. Now, Skyotel Global has some other subsidiaries, and EsoKini is one of Skyotel Global's most important concerns.
EsoKini Started its journey in 2024 as an e-commerce marketplace. EsoKini is an e-commerce platform that combines products and services under one umbrella.
EsoKini a Brand in Bangladesh.
492/20, City lights (1st Floor) Bashundhara Apollo Hospital Link Road, Dhaka
Become A Seller Apply Now
492/20, City lights (1st Floor) Bashundhara Apollo Hospital Link Road, Dhaka
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Note: Don't Click to any button or don't do any action during account Deletion, it may takes some times.
Deleting Account Means:
If you create any classified ptoducts, after deleting your account, those products will no longer in our system
After deleting your account, wallet balance will no longer in our system